What is “Extra Lives Kit” and why should we use it? From 2004 to 2016, we have held several Nerf War Games, which game method is based on self evaluation. In other words, players have to admit themselves getting shot and declare themselves out. Sometimes, bullets only grazed. Dose grazing bullets count? When we got grazed, we even have to decide wether to admit or not. Such game can be played. Yet, it is not good enough due to immense limits. Extra Lives Kit have overcome the gray zone. The only thing we have to pay attention to, is the game itself. By seeing balloons get popped, we can notice the decreasing of enemies’ number, which is rather visualized. On the other hand, playing toy gun in a park or public space can be unfamiliar to the public in Taiwan and explanations are required. As we equipped with the balloons, it explains everything immediately — we are playing a game. The great thing about Extra Lives Kit is that it enables you to have more lives, which make the game feel exactly like a video game. You can have 24 balloons equipped or add medics to the game. If your are the host of the game, by adopting Extra Lives Kit, you will be able to hold bigger, fairer games and give awards! 什麼是額外生命套件?為什麼要使用它?我們從2004年到2016年舉辦了數場NERF WAR GAMES,遊戲方式都是採用自由心證,也就是說被擊中的人必須要自己承認出局,有時候只是個擦邊球,輕輕碰撞到子彈究竟算不算擊中?我們被擦中還必須思考要不要承認?這樣的遊戲是可以遊玩的,但是不夠好,遊戲上面會有很大的限制,額外生命套件改善了這模糊地帶,我們只需要專心玩遊戲,看著氣球被擊破,敵人數量從氣球上就可以感受到變少,非常視覺化,另外在台灣的公園或是公共環境玩玩具槍對民眾是陌生的,也必須要解釋,我們戴上了氣球,立刻說明了一切,我們是在玩遊戲. 額外生命套件真正強大的地方在於它可以讓你有更多生命,玩起來就像電玩遊戲,你可以配戴2~4個在身上,也可以增加醫護兵進行遊戲,假設你是遊戲主持人,採用額外生命套件!你就可以進行更大更公平的賽事並且頒發出獎盃! Extra Lives Kit is exclusively developed by Ez Lin with a considerable amount of time. These balloon live and frames may seem simple, but they are created from scratch and contains many secret. In order to let the balloon to survive or pop, the angle of frames and pinpricks are carefully arranged. Even a slight difference between the angles can result in the balloon unable to pop despite being hit by a bullet or cause the ballon to pop due to slight swaying. It's All about the angles! Extra Lives Kit is very safe in games. Regular swaying motion will not cause the ballon to pop. However, intense swaying motion will make the ballon pop, which can enhance the safety of games by keeping players from falling or bumping into others due to running at full speed. Since the balloons are placed near to the head, goggles should be worn full time during games. Extra Lives Kit for CQB adopted ABS poles. Therefore, it has higher impact resistance and longer life cycle. Let’s see the difference between regular edition for CQB and Extra Lives Kit for CQB. Balloon Size: Extra Lives Kit for CQB has bigger balloons, make it easier to shoot. Sensitivity: Although the pinpricks became thicker and blunter, the balloon is very sensitive since it reached it’s critical value. This is meant to for unremodeled small toy gun to be able to pop the ballon and reduce the chances of bullet being bounced. Impact resistance: The frame made of solid ABS will not break due to high impact and the base is much thicker. Reload Balloon: Separated balloon holder design, increasing the speed of reloading balloons. 額外生命套件是Ez lin 獨家研發,耗費相當多的時間,從無到有製作出來的氣球生命,看似簡單的框型,事實上藏著許多秘密,從支架到針刺的角度都是精心調整的,讓氣球可以順利存活與爆破,這些角度只要些微的差距就會造成子彈擊中氣球卻無法破裂,或是被輕微的晃動晃破氣球,這一切都是角度! 額外生命套件在遊戲中是非常安全的,一般晃動是不會爆破的,但是劇烈晃動就會產生爆破,這一點可以提高遊戲的安全性,可降低玩家全力奔跑導致跌倒或去撞傷別人的機率,或是過大的動作造成受傷,由於氣球的位置較接近頭部因此遊戲全程都要配戴護目鏡. 新的CQB版本使用實心的ABS圓棒,因此耐得住衝擊,壽命也更長,我們來比較看看一般與CQB版本的差異: 氣球尺吋: CQB 版本氣球較大,更容易擊中. 敏感度: 雖然針刺調整較厚鈍,但因為氣球在爆破臨界值的關係,非常敏感,這麼做是為了讓未改造的玩具小手槍都可以輕易擊破,較少彈開的現象. 耐衝擊度: 實心ABS組成的框架在強烈衝擊下不會斷裂,本體基座更加厚實. 填裝氣球: 氣球托分離設計,可加快填裝氣球的設計. This product comes with a sticker. The inspiration of this sticker’s image came from the pinpricks on the round frame of Extra Lives Kit, which are very similar to teeth, which then associated with the look of Sandworm. Apart from the fierce mouth, the balloons shares childlike delight, creating contrast in the image. Extra Lives Kit has released package for 2 people and 6 people. All packages includes balloon ruler, all materials and instruction manual. New players can star with package for 2 people, where as game hosts can purchase package for 6 people to host games! Click the link below to visit online store! 產品內會附贈貼紙,此造型的靈感是因為Extra lives的圓框有針刺相當像牙齒,而聯想到沙丘蟲的造型,此造型除了兇猛的大嘴,氣球添加了一點童趣,讓圖像有個對比反差的感覺.
Extra lives kit 有推出2人或是6人的版本,套件內皆附贈氣球尺與完整的材料與說明書,尚未接觸過的玩家可從2人版本開始玩起,如果是活動主持人,可以購買6人版本進行活動~! 點選下列連結前往賣場吧!
經過了好幾場戰鬥下來累積了一些遊戲中的經驗,經過多次改良,改為更適合CQB(Close Quarters Battle)毀的額外生命套件,實心ABS棒更堅固,針刺部分也改厚比較不容易變鈍. 最滿意的部分是快速填裝氣球的設計,這會節省相當多的時間在於著裝部分,氣球尺的設計讓遊戲更加公平.
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